Canet en Roussillon
Latitude 42 42′ 12”N - Longitude 03 02′ 36”E
The prevailing winds in the region are Tramontana (wind) and Marinade (wind from the sea).
Distrust in strong northeastern wind: impractical pass.
Port of Canet en Roussillon: 1,300 berths (max 40 m long) of which about 50 for passing boats.
The Port of Canet in Roussillon has many places for catamarans and offers a real comfort for the boaters, close to all amenities.
Means of handling:
- Elevators: 35 tons
- Slipways: 80 Tons
- 5 shims Halage
- Fixed Crane: 4 Tons
Weather in Canet en Roussillon

3 °C Clear sky
Min.: 3 °C | Max.: 3 °C | Wind: 0 kmh 0°